Clive's Espresso Tonic Matrix

Garbage juice or healing elixir? Tasting espresso is all part of the work, and we're dazzlingly overcaffeinated right now and excited to run an espresso tonic gauntlet with you. Let’s discover which tonic water and coffee combinations make for the best tasting and refreshing espresso tonic for this fall transition. If you're in a hurry or have a short attention span, check out a quick preview of our tasting, or dare to watch the full video below.
Four coffees and four tonics is the name of the game. Charles is tasting every combination of this espresso tonic matrix. We picked coffees with different roasts, origins, and processes for various possibilities. We mostly chose lighter roasts because of previous experience ordering in a cafè. We chose one dark roast as a wild card. We chose the tonic waters based on flavor profile and we chose Schweppes as a baseline tonic (for that dive bar cred), mainly as a comparison with the higher end tonics like Fever Tree. As experienced Gin & Tonic drinkers, we were perplexed by some combinations but very surprised by others. Learn if the Q tonic still hits as it should. Will Charles reach the end or succumb to expresso-related ego death?
Sound off in the comments and let us know your favorite espresso tonic recipe. As always, happy brewing!