Cold Brew the Clive Way

Usually, in late spring, Portland will be met with a few warmer days, sometimes MUCH warmer than the typical. On such days, cold brew has been in high demand among the Clive staff (things get frantic when it’s gone!), so I always try to be proactive about setting it up every morning so that by the time the afternoon rolls around it is ready to drink. Lately, we have been using our favorite single origin roasts from Roseline - the Ethiopian and Latin American have been especially tasty. The slow drip method using iced water brings out delicious smooth and rich flavors with very little acidity.
Here at Clive, we have developed our own device to make cold brew: The Clive Cold Brew Tower. The locally handcrafted, curved wood tower is simple and elegant - yet sturdy and solid. Available in walnut and quilted maple, the immaculate finish of the wood underscores the quality of this artisan product. For more about our custom Clive wood pieces made here in Portland, check out our Crafted in Portland video!
The handblown custom borosilicate glass pieces are high-quality, functional and designed to fit the wood tower perfectly. The brass components bring out a vintage feel, while the 40oz carafe at the bottom has been inspired by a Japanese whiskey bottle. When not in use, the tower is simply a beautiful thing to gaze at. On the other hand, during brewing, it is mesmerizing to watch.
To brew, simply grind 100g of coffee (a little finer than drip grind). Place in the center suspended glass piece, on top of the reusable ceramic filter. For a more even extraction, wet a paper AeroPress filter and place on top of the coffee. Fill the top compartment with ice and water and set to drip at a rate of 1 drop per second.
The rate of flow may change over the course of the brew so it is a good idea to check it periodically. After six wonderfully chilled out hours, your brew will be ready. Enjoy over ice, or dilute with sparkling water or your milk of choice.
This is our go-to recipe at Clive, but there are so many different ways to make cold brew or iced coffee, so experiment until you find the perfect one for you!